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EnergisED - Learning Resources

Award winning, safe and secure learning resources to help teachers and learners
improve effectiveness and save preparation time

What's so special about internal LGfL content?

LGfL's unique charitable status, local-authority links and educational expertise helps it to reach places other providers can't! Whether filming in parts of Royal Palaces never before seen by the public, or accessing the vaults of major museums or filming experts on location across the UK and Europe, LGfL digital collections are unrivaled in terms of quality and uniqueness. Add to this some of the UK's finest educational experts, who give resources the required curriculum wrap – with guaranteed relevance and reach – and you start to understand what is different about internally produced LGfL content.

Frequently Asked Questions

    For the majority of LGfL resources, you do not need a log in.
    For Busythings and J2e you can use Google and Microsoft logins to gain access.
    For a small number of LGfL resources you will still need a USO log such as Widgit Symbols, EAL and Young Persons Passport and Listening Books.

    The long term plan is for these resources also to be accessible without a USO log in requirement. Any queries about this issue please email us on


    Yes, the majority of resources have been designed to work well on any device including mobile. Some older resources will best be viewed on devices with larger screens such as a classroom display depending on the context of their use.

    The portfolio is a mix of teacher support resources for delivering the curriculum, resources for pupils to use directly and also some support for continuing professional development for teachers, The portfolio features a wide range of resources covering a unique range of topics and themes. Some resources are entire learning services in their own right such as Busythings. Other more topic based resources offer an immersive experience into a world of related material based on expert insights on a particular part of the curriculum such as Polar exploration or insights into how professional authors write books.

    The portfolio is a mixture of externally produced material from commercial educational publishers and internally produced material by the LGfL curriculum team working in partnership with experts.

    The resources produced by the internal team are unique and can not be found anywhere other than from LGfL. Award winning examples are resources such as ' The Tudors in London', the 'Child Bereavement Toolkit', 'Maths in the  real world', 'The Cold War' and 'Fossils and Dinosaurs'.

    The eclectic mix of resources reflect a portfolio in development for 20 years. Opportunities in the past to produce unique and relevant resources with key partners that often the commercial sector would not create for financial reasons were seized and continue to be relevant to this day.

    A blend of commercial available platforms such as J2e and Busy Things and internally produced online resources to support teachers and pupils.

    The majority of the EnergisED learning resource portfolio is open access with a few exceptions which include: Busythings, J2e, Widgit Symbols, EAL and Young Person passport. These are restricted to give a personalised user experience and also to preserve the license for LGfL to use the content.

    A classic question which members of the curriculum team are very aware we need to be able to answer convincingly! LGfL aims to provide inclusive, flexible resources which model effective integration of technology into everyday teaching and learning. Case studies are captured to share good practice and encourage a self reflective, adaptable approach to meeting pupils everyday needs.

    Sign up the LGfL curriculum newsletter and blog

    We have an expansive range of curriculum linked case studies showing how teachers from across the LGfL community have positively impacted in their learners outcomes by using LGfL learning resources and incorporating advice given via the LGfL InspirED service.


    Sign up to the Training newsletter to see all the latest online support offers via the inspirED service or contact the curriculum team directly via

    For most resources in the portfolio you need a web browser and a live internet connection. For immersive resources and Robotics related material additional hardware such as an ipad or VR headset may be required.

    Email us on . Unless we are directly involved in training or are on a school visit you can expect a reply within 24 hours.


    The Energise Service is included as part of the Let's Get Digital Broadband subscription service.

    Absolutely. Quality is our number-one priority, but curriculum relevance follows closely behind; when the revised National Curriculum was introduced, LGfL launched a resource-discovery tool to show what is available for each individual descriptor for each subject. Switched on Science, for example, gives complete coverage for every aspect of the Primary Science curriculum! And there are plenty more surprises in store.

    As curriculum priorities change in schools, LGfL responds with either the withdrawal of legacy content or invests in the adaptation of existing resources or commissions new content, if there is a suitable use case that can justify required investment.

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    Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.