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EnergisED Advice and Support

Request Advice and Support for EnergisED service

The EnergisED service can offer a wide range of support for the effective use of LGfL Learning Resources within schools.
The most effective way of staying up to date is to sign up for the EnergisED, training newsletter and curriculum blogs.
We can also offer online and in school support for teaching and Senior staff on how to incorporate learning reousrces effectively into high quality everyday Teaching and Learning.
If you would like more bespoke support please email

EnergisED Blogs

The EnergisED curriculum blog offers a wide range of carefully curated blog's on relevant and timely issues for all educators across the LGfL Community.
Featuring a blend of topical insights, updates and links to both LGfL and other external but highly relevant material sit up to day to a carefully curated reading experience for educators.

EnergisED Curriculum Newsletter sign up

The EnergisED/InspirED curriculum newsletter offers a simple update on the latest resources and opportunities across the LGfL community. This could include new learning resources launches, special in school events or pilot projects or competitions to take part in. Its the the most effective way of staying up to date and not missing out.

EnergisED Training Newsletter sign up

The training newsletter offers a simple update on the latest training opportunities from the InspirED service featuring guidance on how to maximise the resources in the EnrgisED service

Meet the EnergisED Team

Bob Usher - LGfL Content Manager

Bob Usher
LGfL Content Manager

Bob Usher was a former secondary school teacher and pastoral & curriculum leader. Bob leads LGfL’s work on the curriculum content and the strategic adoption of technology to enhance everyday teaching and learning. He has been responsible for a range of ground-breaking and award-winning initiatives including the acceleration of new technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality across the curriculum, the PedTech portal and the Digital Transformation Toolkit. He was a regional lead for the Dfe Edtech Demonstrator Programme supporting senior leaders during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Laura Smith  - LGfL Learning Resource Consultant

Laura Smith 
LGfL Learning Resource Consultant

Laura has 23 years of primary teaching, many of which were spent as a senior leader. Her last role was Deputy Head which included time spent as Acting Head. She now supports schools in creatively using the LGfL Curriculum and Learning Resources. She has helped develop the PedTech portal and the Digital Transformation Toolkit. She was a regional lead for the Dfe Edtech Demonstrator Programme supporting senior leaders during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Bradley Dardis - Learning Resource Consultant

Bradley Dardis
LGfL Learning Resource Consultant

Bradley has been a Primary Teacher for over 14 years. He is a Computing specialist (CAS Master Teacher and SSAT Lead practitioner for Computing), Early Years specialist and Apple teacher and lead consultant for Apple platform. Bradley now supports schools in creatively using the LGfL Curriculum and Learning Resources.

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.