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A Trauma Informed Approach in Schools

Create a trauma-informed environment in your school with our comprehensive course. Learn practical strategies to support students affected by trauma, promote wellbeing, and academic success. Develop a deep understanding of trauma's impact, build trust and relationships, implement trauma-sensitive practices, and collaborate with families and communities. Make a positive difference in students' lives with a trauma-informed approach. 

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What is trauma and how can we help support pupils deal with it within a learning context?

'When we think about what may cause a trauma for a young person, often this is an unresolved issue that is being played out within the classroom. When we think about trauma, that can be any event or experiences that leave that child or young person with unwanted and unmanageable feelings. This can be triggered at any time. It may be something that you're teaching - a topic within the classroom that can be triggering. '

The Three Types of Trauma: Acute, Chronic or Complex

Acute trauma results from a single incident.

Chronic trauma is repeated and prolonged such as domestic violence or abuse.

Complex trauma is exposure to varied and multiple traumatic events. 

Often students are mis-diagnosed with anxiety, behaviour disorders, or attention disorders rather than understood to have trauma that’s driving those symptoms and reactions. Once trauma is identified as the root of the behaviour, we can adapt our approach to help children cope.

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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