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Improving Inclusion

EdTech and Literacy

EdTech and Literacy - Improving Inclusion for all

Technology can help learners who struggle with literacy, for a host of reasons, such as dyslexia. 

This online session features a range of different online tools and resources that can help expand the teachers toolkit to help learners struggling with reading and writing. 

For the learners, many of the tools and resources featured can open up their access to the curriculum and their own creative expression.

Or, Choose a part of the session from the chapters below:

1. Introduction and welcome to EdTech and Literacy

2. Introduction to EdTech and Literacy by John Galloway

3. Using Microsoft Edge browser tools to help with reading with Helperbird and Claro plug-in's

4. Using Google docs to help with voice typing, spelling with the Read & Write plug-in

5. Using iPad in built tools to support reading and writing

6. Using the 'Dragon Dictate' dictation tool

7. Dictation using Windows devices

8. How to manage accessibility options

9. Other useful literacy features for Microsoft tools - Including Immersive Reader 

10. How to create a Haiku poem using EdTech tools

11. Dyslexia Support from Islington LA

12. Introduction to LGfL's - Grammar Explained

13. Walkthrough  video

14. Understanding LGfL's ReadingZone Live

15. What are the key improvements in Reading Zone Live?

16. How has the collaboration between LGfL and LEO Academy Trust resulted in a unique outcome for schools?

17. What are the positive benefits of teaching with the new ReadingZone Live English plans?

18. Busy Things - Literacy and cross curricular resources

19. How has Busy Things has evolved over time?

20. Having creative fun with LGfL's Super Action Comic Maker

21. Using LGfL's Early Shakespeare to engage a range of learners in Shakespeare

22. Widgit symbols and symbolised text

23. Using the J2e - Online Creative Toolkit (Free for LGfL subscribers)

24. Conclusion including the role of online collaborative tools to support literacy development for teachers and Learners

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